Judy Gittelsohn has been living, loving and painting in Northern California since 1977. She became a Watsonville-ian in 2018 after living in Palo Alto for twenty years.
Gittelsohn approaches painting as an enthusiastic exploration of color and form. She employs playful creativity to pursue a path of meaning. Her works are poems of tone and intensity that evolve into graceful and dynamic shapes. Painted spaces and patterns are symbolic rather than strictly representational. She loves to paint people, animals, fruit, landscapes, symbols, and, well, anything that holds promise and mystery. Her work is in collections around the world.
Gittelsohn enjoys teaching art, especially to artists with special needs through her project Art for Well Beings. She also works with Golden Paints as a Certified Working Artist, teaching the properties and uses of the company’s outstanding products.
Gittelsohn is developing a secluded artists retreat, The Git Gat Gîte in Monterey County, California, that will allow other artists to experience this special place as part of their artistic journey.
In the 1970’s and 80’s Gittelsohn was active in the Bay Area punk scene as a member of the bands Pink Section, Inflatable Boy Clams and Longshoremen.